Support HDO
Support HDO
Human Dimensions of Organizations at UT Austin is the first program of its kind in the nation, combining a multidisciplinary exploration of the humanities and the behavioral sciences with real-world applications for modern organizations.
HDO is growing. Quickly. Over the past several years we’ve launched a new Bachelor’s degree, seen enrollment in our 15-month Executive Master’s program double, and vastly expanded our Professional Training offerings. We invite you to invest in our efforts to provide an innovative education to current and aspiring leaders.
Two Ways to Invest in HDO
Endowment Contribution (Long-Term Support): HDO’s Founding Director’s Excellence Endowment was established in 2017 to offer current and future program directors ongoing funds to support new initiatives and expand current programmatic goals. Contributing to this Excellence Endowment offers donors the opportunity to support innovative ideas that will continue to deepen HDO’s impact across all sectors. In addition, these donations will expand our current efforts to provide graduate student fellowships, undergraduate student awards, high-quality distance-learning technology, and faculty research support. Gifts to the Founding Director’s Excellence Endowment will provide recurring funds that will grow with time.
General Support (Immediate Impact): For those interested in making an immediate impact on HDO, contributions to our General Fund allow us to address vital needs, such as nonprofit/low-income tuition assistance; graduate and undergraduate research awards and opportunities; maintenance and improvement of distance-learning technologies; and general program support.
Select Your Preferred Donation Option:
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your donation options, please contact HDO’s Assistant Director Lewis Miller at or 512-232-8330.
Students within liberal arts programs have extensive skills for surfing the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Bridging critical thinking and meaning-making with entrepreneurship and design, post-secondary liberal arts programs are positioned to generate the kinds of intuitive thinkers that understand the future.
Innovation can’t simply be ordered up. To create and sustain an innovative culture, you have to go beyond being managers to becoming leaders. HDO can play a fundamental role in this transformation.”
To advance our mission of better understanding the people who drive today’s global marketplace, we developed three education opportunities:

Our 15-Month Master’s Degree is designed for professionals in the business, nonprofit, government, and military sectors searching for a more comprehensive understanding of how human behavior and experience affect organizational success. Students graduate from the Master’s program equipped with the knowledge and skills they need to make their organizations more effective, creative, and efficient.

Our Professional Training programs allow individuals and organizations the opportunity to train with UT Austin’s top faculty members in a professional-friendly format. These programs provide practical and immediately applicable tools for solving key organizational problems, ranging from personal motivation and growth to strategic organizational leadership. Training options include One-Day Seminars, Certificate Programs, and Custom Programs.

In addition to our offerings for working professionals, we launched a Bachelor’s Degree program in fall 2016. The undergraduate program teaches students to explore, learn, and articulate the ways the liberal arts and social and behavioral sciences can address practical problems facing organizations.