A Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO) Webinar
This webinar will examine how elections have mattered in the past and what we should expect from the 2024 election. The material presented will be non-partisan and focused on leadership: how do elections affect the practice of leadership? We will analyze where candidates change policies, and where they don’t.
Join us Wednesday, October 2, 2024 as we anticipate and plan for what will happen after November 2024. Together, we’ll learn the leadership and policy effects of elections and better understand the possibilities and limits of political leadership.
About the Speaker
Jeremi Suri holds the Mack Brown Distinguished Chair for Leadership in Global Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. He is a professor in the University’s Department of History, the LBJ School of Public Affairs, in addition to teaching in both the Master’s and Professional Training Programs for Human Dimensions of Organizations.
Professor Suri is a popular public lecturer and comments frequently on radio and television news. His writing and teaching have received numerous prizes, including the President’s Associates Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Texas and the Pro Bene Meritis Award for Contributions to the Liberal Arts.
He hosts a weekly podcast, This is Democracy.
He is the author and editor of eleven books on politics and foreign policy, most recently: Civil War By Other Means: America’s Long and Unfinished Fight for Democracy. His writings appear in the New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN.com, Atlantic, Newsweek, Time, Wired, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and other media.
October 2, 2024
10-11 a.m.
* You will need to have a Zoom account and be logged in to join the webinar. Visit https://zoom.us/ if you need to set up an account. The free, basic account will allow you to join the webinar.
About Human Dimensions of Organizations
The Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO) program brings together UT Austin’s finest researchers and teachers in the humanities and the social and behavioral sciences with an interest in educating leaders (current and aspiring) about the ways these disciplines can improve organizations.
HDO offers one-day courses, four-day certificate programs, and a 15-month executive master’s degree examining how and why the key components of every organization — people — behave and work the way they do and why they sometimes don’t.
Fall 2024 Webinar
October 2, 2024
10-11 a.m.