Frequently Asked Questions
When was the HDO Bachelor's Program started?
The HDO Bachelor’s program was created and implemented in 2016.
How many majors does the HDO program have?
The HDO program currently has around 500+ majors and continues to grow each year.
How do I apply for the HDO program?
The HDO program is currently open to all students who wish to become an HDO major as long as they have been offically admitted to the University. We highly encourage taking the HDO 301 Introduction to HDO course before declaring our major.
How do I declare the HDO major?
To declare the HDO major please schedule an appointment with our advising team via their online scheduling system or email,
Internal Transfers: All students interested in transferring to HDO, must make an appointment with an HDO Academic Advisor. Please submit your internal application through the link below selecting “Declare the HDO major”