In the Loop
Stay In the Loop with HDO!
Learn about our blog and sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. ➞Harnessing the Power of Collaboration, Empathy, and Practical Training to Navigate Change
Maria McCauley's journey with the Human Dimensions of Organizations (HDO) program is a testament to the transformative power of experiential...
The Art of Business Relationships
Tools and Techniques for Improving External Business Relationships"Questions become the currency to both capture information, and also, to build...
Creative and curious, HDO graduate students celebrate differences, innovation
Longtime adviser reflects on the HDO ‘magic’ Featuring: Elizabeth Keating, Ph.D.Professor, Department of AnthropologyProfessor, HDO “Adventurous!”...
Announcing the In the Loop Newsletter
In the monthly newsletter In the Loop, we will be highlighting blog articles from this blog, as well as student success stories, upcoming courses...
Alumni Spotlight: Peter Lawless
With two graduate degrees already achieved, a desire to grasp the most difficult element of the workplace (people) challenged a Navy officer to...
Alumni Spotlight: Brian Doerr
A passion for innovation and leading people through change sparked a new-found ability to facilitate tough conversations and influence people on a...
Alumni Spotlight: Sara Llansa
A desire to improve her own organization from the inside out produced a thoughtful, introspective and inspired leader Sara Llansa, HDO Class of...
Alumni Spotlight: Paige Vurpillat
How a passion for learning illuminated this HDO's alum's career and enables her to plan for future challenges facing the U.S. workforcePaige...
The Day After Trauma: Conversations in a Precarious World
Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, PhD In Partnership with Leslie Dill, HDO's Business Development & Marketing Coordinator August 15, 2022You enter your...
Alumni Spotlight: Jonathan Thompson
How this ambitious business-owner and HDO alum wants to make the workplace better, from the film on the windows to one-on-one career-planning...