In the Loop
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Learn about our blog and sign up to receive our monthly newsletter. ➞This is When Goal-Setting Gets in the Way of Happiness
Goal-setting is necessary—even helpful—at times, but it can also get in the way of a life well-lived. John W. Traphagan, Ph.D. Professor, Department...
On The Value of Jerks
John W. Traphagan, Ph.D.Professor, Department of Religious Studies, Department of AnthropologyProfessor, HDOHDO One-Day Professional...
Brain Power: Dr. Art Markman
Episode # 1 Dr. Amy WareDirector, HDO July 21, 2021 Hello and welcome to our very first episode of Brain Power! Brain Power features short...
Love, Freedom, and Leadership: A Source of Pride
Paul Woodruff has been UT Austin's Darrell K. Royal Professor in Ethics and American Society. He teaches in the HDO MA program and has received our...
Art as Expression & Understanding
A reflection on the role of artistic expression in the Pride Movement Elizabeth Richmond-Garza, PhDDirector and Graduate Adviser, Comparative...
Juneteenth and Pride Month: An HDO Perspective
Change, recognition, and the organizational worlds from which they sprung. Amy Ware, PhDDirector, Human Dimensions of Organizations&Amy Nathan...
Managing Commitments and Expectations
What to Do When There's Not Enough Hours in the Day Dr. Clay SpinuzziProfessor for HDO and Rhetoric & Writing at UT Austin April 27, 2021 In our...
You’re probably not planning enough for unlikely events
Texas’s recent weather disaster is a reminder of how leaders often struggle with understanding very small probabilities—and why that can be so...
Your brain loves routines. Here’s how to build new and better ones
Every once in a while, you need to take a step back and ask whether your routines are serving you optimally. Art Markman, Ph.D.Founding Director,...
Architect Your Future: Self-Scripting
Approach Any Situation With the Confidence to Achieve Your Desired Outcomes Michelle Jack, MAHDO Alumna (Class of 2018) December 14, 2020 We believe...